Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Because I Took Pictures...

Noelle and Baby Jaguar:Max being Max:
Max just had to kiss Violette:
It is impossible to get cute faces, but I tried:
Baby Violette awake:

They crack each other up, when they are not fighting:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Visitors!!!

Things continue to go well around here. I am optimistic about tomorrow. It will be day one for me with all three children. Violette continues to sleep for pretty good stretches of 4 to 4 1/2 hours during the night. This keeps me from being dog tired during the day and should help me to be somewhat patient as tomorrow comes. Max and Noelle surprise us every day with their continued sweetness towards Little Miss V. Sometimes Max's kisses are a little too sweet, but he means well.
Aunt Ceecee left Friday, much to my disappointment. Noelle had been a little troublesome, and down right rude at times during her visit, but was also sad to see her go. Her help is greatly appreciated and we look forward to her next visit, soon rather than later. Saturday, Grandpa Roehrig and Aunt Liz came to visit and meet Violette. We all had an enjoyable time. Aunt Liz gave the children a few gifts, one being a sticker book for Noelle. We continue to find stickers planted throughout the house and frequently on our socks! Stickers and a three year old are the perfect match when the child is not yours! Thanks Liz. :)When they left, Saturday evening, Noelle was pretty upset and had a hard time saying goodbye. On the bright side Max learned to say "bye" and was proudly showing off his new word as Grandpa and Aunt Liz left.

Tom and I are amazed at the amount of words Max has added to his vocabulary these past couple of weeks. He isn't speaking full sentences, but each day more words are added. He seems very proud of himself when he does learn a new word. Violette is clearly referred to as "Vi", but his favorite word is "Dada", he is without a doubt a Daddy's Boy. Tom loves it and can't wait to teach him how to pitch over 90 mph! I'm sure Noelle and Violette will be right there along with Max learning as well!

I have not had a successful attempt (well to be honest, I have not attempted at all) of capturing all three children together. Actually, I haven't been taking many pictures, but here are a few. After more than two years with our camera I have figured out how to do black and white and sepia pictures.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hair cuts

Tom is back at work. Today was his first day. Charlotte is here helping me out and then on Monday I will be on my own with all three. I am feeling very well, although I can tell when I push myself I get very sore. Noelle has a bit of a cold that has made her a little grizzly bear, having two adults around to deal with her is very helpful. Charlotte being around just prevents me from doing too much with the kids. Plus, it's nice having another adult to talk to around!
Violette lost her umbilical cord last night. I really dislike that black gross thing hanging off her belly button. It really distorts the image of a precious newborn! This evening she had her first full submersion bath. Noelle was right there helping me out and Violette seemed to like it.

Noelle received a very big haircut yesterday. We let her look at a bunch of pictures and she picked out the cut she wanted. I was surprised she wanted bangs, but she did. It looks adorable and she can't stop staring in the mirror! I also got my hair chopped! After coming home from the hospital I had this sudden urge to just chop my hair and start with a fresh new style. Charlotte cut the back of my hair to my neckline and did a diagonal forward so that the front is a bit longer than the back. I love it! It forces me to actually do my hair and not throw it up in a ponytail every day.

That's all for now. My goal over the next few days is to capture a picture of all three children. That seems to be the impossible task. We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Because We Can't Do Anything Without Some Drama...

Saturday morning we packed up all three children and went to get some blood work for Violette done. It took forever, but Tom and the children did a lot of walking around to pass the time.

The pediatrician called us around 3pm with the results and said that we needed to take Violette to the ER to be admitted as soon as possible. Her jaundice levels were way too high. She said that I could stay with Violette so I should pack a bag as well. We packed quickly and loaded everyone up again. A great friend (who was there for us during our last drama with Max) without hesitation said she would take Noelle and Max for us while we went to the ER.

Poor Little Violette was given an IV and it broke our hearts! I know jaundice is very common and very treatable, but it didn't stop us from being very worried.

After many hours of waiting and not knowing, Violette's blood work came back. Her jaundice levels were way down from the previous blood work and we could go home. Relief swept over us and we hauled butt out of that place as fast as we could!

Today we spent the day at home not doing much at all. Noelle is utterly in love with her little sister. She assists with diaper changes, burping, changing clothes, holding and comforting Violette...basically every newborn need is something that Noelle has to be involved in. Max has also shown a lot of loveliness towards Violette. His means of conveying his love is not exactly the most gentle, but we know he means well.

Tom is off of work for a few more days and then my sister will be here to help me out the rest of the week. It will be great to have some help for a few more days. I am recovering well, but left on my own I would surly over due it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We have made it home! Violette is a little jaundice and we have to make our first family trip of 5 to get her blood drawn tomorrow morning, but other than that we are great! Noelle is in love with her little sister, constantly wanting to be right next to her, holding her, and involved in every aspect of her being. Max has showed some interest as well, giving Violette stuffed animals and even sharing his night-night with her.

Here are some very artistic and wonderful pictures taken by Karen Mitzel (I need to take some lessons from her!):

Here are some more pictures that we have taken, not nearly as artistic, but oh well!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Violette Adelle

Our little peanut has arrived. She and I are doing great! Here are some pictures to enjoy.

More will follow in the coming days. Thanks again for all of your prayers!
The Roehrigs

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Big Day Is Tomorrow!

Little baby girl Roehrig arrives tomorrow. My emotions run the gauntlet from joy to panic and everything in between. I can't wait to meet her, but am a little nervous about the whole c-section thing. It's not new to me, but I think anyone that undergoes surgery of any type is a little nervous before hand. I am certain she will be fine but there is a little part of me that is slightly worried because she is three weeks early. I guess these are all normal concerns and fears of any mother!

This weekend there was a lot of cleaning, shopping, and spending time with Noelle and Max. Noelle is very happy about the baby, but is even more excited that Granma will here to play with her and take her shopping!

Here are some pictures from the last week. Noelle and Max received another wonderful package from Great Granma and Granpa. Noelle had to try on her outfit and pose with her new Kitty, Max loved the beads even though they are a bit girly!

The only way Tom can get anything done without Max trying to menace:

We bought Noelle a bike helmet because she insists on riding her big wheel as fast as she can down a big hill in our yard. It was time to protect her head!

My next post will contain pictures of the baby! I will be updating in the hospital. It will be a relaxing time and I find going on the computer relaxing to me. When we come home things might be a little hectic the first few days and I don't know if I have the energy to update.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

St. Patty's Day Baby!

My new official delivery date for Baby Roehrig 3 is now set for March 17th, at 1:00pm. That's about 8 days from now and I'm pretty confident I can make it to that date. The baby will be at the gestational age of 37 weeks, that is considered full term! I think a St. Patrick's Day Baby fits right in with our New Year's Eve Maximilian and our almost Christmas Noelle. If we have another we'll have to shoot for a different holiday, maybe Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July!

Max has been ridiculously challenging these days. I'm pretty sure he has a few teeth working their way through and that may be part of his problem. Also, I believe he gets frustrated with communication. He tries to talk and uses some baby sign but grunting and pointing is his primary form of communication. Some days his whining combined with my emotions and Noelle's stubborn personality has all three of us in tears! What am I going to do with a newborn around...ahhhhh!!!

Here are some pictures from the last week.