March brings the celebration of Violette's birth! I can't say enough about this little peanut. She is truly amazing, spunky, sweet, quiet, chill, loves to cuddle, and brings smiles to our faces easily. It's hard to believe, but she is now seven years old! For her birthday Grandma and Grandpa Goodhue and Grandpa Roehrig came in to celebrate. We went bowling, enjoyed some warmth, and ate cake. At her seven year old well visit, she has grown 5.75 inches in the past year!!!! It's amazing to me, how much she has shot up and is not one of the tallest girls in her grade.
Spring concerts for Noelle, Max, and Violette's school were also held in March. Unfortunately, Tom was unable to attend, as he was stuck down in Ft. Wayne, but Zane and I thoroughly enjoyed them. Noelle was asked to emcee the 1st and 2nd grade concert (Violette is in 1st grade and Max in 2nd grade) which was held before her 4th grade concert. She stepped up to the mic with much confidence and delivered her lines with a strong voice and tone. I was very proud of her! Violette and Max also did well, although they both held much concentration on their faces and looked a bit pained during their performances!
Violette on the second step down, wearing a purple shirt. |
Noelle, front and center, rockin' out her emcee position! |
Easter came and went too, and we celebrated at Charlotte's house
April has come and went, bringing in the start of a crazy baseball schedule. Zane, Violette, and Max are on three separate teams and we are at the ball fields Monday through Friday, until 8pm.
Max is playing coach pitch baseball, Violette is on a coach pitch softball team, and Zane is playing tee ball. Some nights one team is traveling and the other is in Tecumseh, so I have been running around with my head cut off, missing a lot of their games, but they are enjoying it. Violette is very timid and did not enjoy practices or games. I see her progressing a lot and she is even getting outs and charging the ball when it comes to her, instead of staring at it and waiting for another teammate to get it. Zane loves tee ball and really enjoys the social aspect of the game. He charges at the ball, along with every other child on the team and if he emerges from the pile victorious, he yells, "I got it!" then forgets to throw to first! At first there was a lot of rolling in the dirt and play diving for nonexistent balls, but he is getting better at staying on his feet, and using his mitt to try and catch balls. Max excels at baseball and can hit the ball very far, make incredible running catches, and throw an out from third to first base with ease. He lights up when he plays and it's been fun to see him really enjoy it.
I am forgetting events, I am missing things, but for now, that is all. Summer is beginning very soon and more time on my hands will yield more detailed updates on children, including Thursday School graduation, end of the Elementary School for Noelle, braces, and other odds and ends of life!